Click here to visit C Troop 2/17th Cavalry
Click here to visit The 101st Airborne LRRP
C troop Sign located outside the Troop Orderly Room
Image courtesy of Jim Newman, Condor 6
Our chapel - "C" Troop went here for memorial services 13 times during the year I commanded the Troop. A small number considering daily enemy contact and Lam Son 719 which we lead, but a tremendous loss. We had a Catholic Chaplain assigned to North Phu Bai Chapel, Father McPartlin, a great guy and tremendous personality, and held his own at the "O" club.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman, Condor 6
C Troop 2/17 Cav
Image courtesy of Jim Newman, Condor 6
Dick Brown
Vietnam Tours
Aero Scout - C troop, 3rd Squadron, 17th Cavalry
September 1967 - December 1967
Aero Scout - B troop, 2nd Squadron, 17th Cavalry
February 1968 - February 1969
Image courtesy of Dick Brown
A C Troop Cobra taken at Khe Sahn during Lam Son 719, from Jim Newman, troop comander during the battle.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman via Randy White
A picture of a big rock in my troop area at Phu Bai
Image courtesy of Jim Newman - Condor 6 C troop, 2/17
C troop "Blues" on stand down. Tony Japuntich was the Platoon Sgt and the second from left. He is a retired CW5 now. Charley Cannon, extreme left, was my XO and a good one I might add, And me in the middle with the Bud. Note - In the top photo the white guy between the two black guys, (Williams and Lennon, is Frank Zimmerly, who was killed in Feb, 1983 in a wreck on his way home from work.
Top Left Photo; Lto R: unk, "J", Back of T Shea, Ed Bradley behind Maj. Newman, Watkins, Williams, Zimmerly, & Lennon.
Bottom Photo; L to R: unk, Boller, Roddell, Almador, Taylor (I believe), Lyons (middle back), Bradley, Williams, T. Shea, & Lennon.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman - Condor 6 C troop, 2/17
Update on 16161 previously posted. OH-6 67-16161 as it appeared late Sept.'71 and as it is today. The two lower pictures are the most recent & current as of this writing, May 1, 2002. This is the aircraft in which Cpt. Wilbur Latimer was KIA 71Jan19 while serving with C troop, 2/17th Cav based in Phu Bai. The top photo was taken later that year, shortly after Typhoon Agnes/Supertyphoon Bess (Sept.18-21) struck, which accounts for damage to hangar roof in background. The aircraft is seen delivering a passenger to the 2/17th flight line at Camp Eagle...I can't ID the pilot, but believe the passenger may be Malcolm Lathers. Currently owned by Ronn Walker & Tropical Helicopter based at Leesburg Reg. Airport-Leesburg, FL. (see who shared the lower photos with me for the purpose of this posting.
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey
L to R: Jim Crane (1LT), Doug Brinker (CW2), Larry Nichols In frt (CW2), John Loffler (1LT P), John Stolp (CPT).
Click here to read more about the Stetson hats in this photo
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Air Cavalry Troop Pilots and other personnel take a break at Khe Sahn before the next mission into Laos during Lam Son 719, January 30 - April 6, 1971
Image courtesy of Jim Newman, Condor 6
Before this flight I told Bobby Joe to come on I would get him a Purple Heart. I had three new pilots that flew with me all of Lam Son and all of them knew we would be in the S _ _ _ before the day was over. Two of the three got a Purple heart - nothing serious and all survived the tour
Image courtesy of Jim Newman, Condor 6
My Huey after I cut trees down to get to two of my shot down cobra pilots in Laos during Lam Son 719, CPT Jim Kane & WO James Casher, before the NVA got to them. I got there first but barely. Had a terrible vibration at 40K's coming home
Image courtesy of Jim Newman, Condor 6
My C & C Huey after Lam Som 719 with functional rocket pods mounted. The FAC and I bet occasionally on marking a target
Image courtesy of Jim Newman, Condor 6
I was on team Dallas 17 on September 25, 1970 when I got an up-close and personnel look at one of these guys in action. We had made contact and had one KIA, got him lifted out on a penetrator and made for an LZ. The Cobras were trying' to keep the dinks off our back trail and keep the front trail clear. We were poppin' smoke as we went down the trail and the Cobra fire was so close the leaves were dropping' around me. They gave us some time to prepare a surprise for Charles. We left the ruck sack from the KIA laying on the trail, with a Willy Pete with a short fuse underneath it. That done, we were up and running again and a short time later heard the WP go off and mark their position...thanks Chuck. That kept the Cobras busy and made Chuck unhappy as we made our escape. As we broke out of the canopy and into the LZ, one of these birds popped up from below the ridge line on full automatic spraying the opposite side of the LZ. I later learned the dinks were moving' in on us from three sides, including a trail on the opposite side of the LZ. Just like a ballet the Huey came flatten' in from the opposite direction just as the little bird finished his run and we ran for salvation. Pile on board and spray the wood line...outa' there. Scared me more when the little bird with the mini gun popped up over my head firing than the whole contact. We lost Lloyd Grimes that day. Married with a wife and kid,.... and short. Probably less than two months to go.
Image courtesy of Randy White
C Troop 2/17 bird 432 in front, with a D Company 101st AVN. BN. Hawks ship behind the wall. The "Snake Pit"
Image courtesy of Jim Newman/Randy White
A great picture of 15661 from C Troop, 2/17 Cav 101st.
Image courtesy of Carl Trapp via Randy White
507th Trans Detachment, 2/17 Cav
Waiting for a big RF.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman Condor 6
Make sure everyone knows where we are going and has a map.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman Condor 6
Steak and Potatoes for everyone. Big daddy dropped a load of stakes. "C" Troop and the 507th Maint Det recovered 3 or 4 cases. Cooking in front of the acft. Maint.hangar
Image courtesy of Jim Newman Condor 6
Big Daddy delivering supplies.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman Condor 6
Little bird. The OH6a is an excellent aircraft for Air Cavalry Scouts.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman Condor 6
Poached Loach - A recovered OH-6A from C troop of the 2/17 Cavalry. The blue tail band is just visible on the boom, stuck in the radio compartment. Late summer of 1970 at Phu Bia
Image courtesy of Emil Hirsch via Randy White
Mike & Steve in front of one of the attached FLIR acft.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Mike H & Rick Miller Two good crew chiefs.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Rick Miller's ship in field on left, Rick Miller's ship at home
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
North Phu Bai sign
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
CW2 Edward Pappin 3rd tour scout pilot
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Mike, Nick, Bob = WO Mike Sherrer, cobra pilot, WO Larry Nichols, slick pilot and WO Bobby Joe Gunn, slick pilot
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Major Newman
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
I pulled Mike and Ross out of the A Shau Valley July 4, 1971, after their Cobra was shot down. Lost 3 acft and NO people in the valley that day.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Mac Jones - As he was then.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
LZ Sally - The Troop and 507th TC Det was located on LZ Sally prior to moving to Phu Bai.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Bunch of Condors
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
The back of Rick Schwab's SPH-4 helmet neatly adorned with hand painted Condor of C troop, 2nd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment - "That artwork is the handiwork of Lt. Pete Forame, a "strack" troop from McLean, Va. He was a slick driver like me, and we became great friends. He is in one of my photos at, and I have another great black & white photo of us that would be very cool for your exhibit. I was very excited about his work and am pleased to still have it. Sadly, Pete was shot down and killed either on Christmas Day or the day after, 1971. His name is on the Wall in DC." - Rick Schwab
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab
"C" Troop Opns. Mac Jones & John Stolp showing one of their inventions. Mac never did change the patch on his flight jacket.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
"My nephew, Will Latimer, was killed in Jan. 19, 1971. I wear the Condor patch to honor Will and all of you Condors" Billy Pat Latimer.
Note from Jim Newman-"Billy Pat Latimer is on our net. His nephew, CPT Will Latimer was my Scout Platoon Cmdr. and bunked in my hooch until Jan 19, 1971 when he was hit in the head. His crew chief flew the OH6A back to Phu Bai and put it on the runway. I had someone pick it up and fly over to the 85th Evac Hosp on the South side of the runway but Will was DOA. His death was instant and I think the crew chief did one hell of a job getting the LOH back home.
Please click here to read more about "Billy Pat Latimer"
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
The drainage control officer, Chuck Vehlow explaining drainage control to Jim Newman in the Troop area at Phu Bai.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Jim Newman in Troop area, Kevin Flynn behind Newman
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Gary Swift & crew completed another flight in the AO.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
089 in the AO
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
021 on the go at Phu Bai.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Fill it up at Khe Sahn. Glad the 20 min. light was accurate during Lam Son
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Ed Kersey on his way to Three Rivers/Three Forks to meet his Platoon. Boy did he get a quick indoctrination and he became outstanding.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Mortar attack at Khe Sahn. LTC Bob Molinelli's Huey. (Top Left), "C" Troop lost three Huey's and HQ. Troop lost one in the mortar attack. (Top Right, Lower Left), Larry Nickols wondering what he will fly tomorrow. We lost NO people in the mortar attack. Larry and other pilots had replacement acft. the next day and the Squadron Cmdr Bob Molinelli had a replacement that day.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Mortar attack at Khe Sahn. Looking at one of four Huey's hit are L to R Chuck Vehlow, John Loeffler, David Anderson, unk, unk, Jim Newman
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Awards ceremony at Camp Eagle on the 17th Air Cavalry Squadron Helipad.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Awards ceremony at Camp Eagle with Cav hats waiting for BG SID Berry ADC-O.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Awards Ceremony at Camp Eagle with Cav hats. Waiting for BG Sid Berry the ADC-O
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
LTC. Bob Molinelli passing the guidon and Command of "C" Troop to Maj. James T. Newman. The 1SG is on the other side of Molinelli and CPT. Starrett, the outgoing Cmdr. on the other side of Newman.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
"C" Troop in formation for change of command. About the only time they wore steel helmets & they were STEEL then and heavy.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Still in change of command formation and it is about 30 minutes until the clubs are on limits again & they stay on limits for the next year.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Some people saw Bob Hope & Girls this close at Camp Eagle
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Most of C Troop saw him from about 1 Click while flying security.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Camp Eagle
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Two Condor Pilots in the aircraft, on stand by. Larry Nickols, in hammock & Cleve Pickins, reading book.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Taking care of business at Khe Sanh
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Condors getting settled at Khe Sanh
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Hot refueling at Khe Sanh
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
C Troop scattered out. Looks like Georgia clay but actually its Khe Sanh
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Condors Parking at Khe Sanh
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Taken November 18, 1970 south of FSB Maureen and west of "Three Rivers", after reacting to a contact that happened to L Company team BILLS.
Image courtesy of LTC [ret] Robert Suchke
Taken November 18, 1970 south of FSB Maureen and west of "Three Rivers", after reacting to a contact that happened to L Company team BILLS.
Image courtesy of LTC [ret] Robert Suchke
"C" Troop bird extracting the blues in the jungle.
Image courtesy of LTC [ret] Robert Suchke
Taken November 18, 1970 south of FSB Maureen and west of "Three Rivers", after reacting to a contact that happened to L Company team BILLS.
Image courtesy of LTC [ret] Robert Suchke
Chinhook and Cobra taken at Camp Eagle in late 1970
Image courtesy of LTC [ret] Robert Suchke
Stetson hat worn by Rick Scwab, Lift pilot in C troop. Note dictinctive re-shaping of the crown for a very different "Porkpie" appearence
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab
Cleve Pickins on the go - Larry Nichols out of view in the left seat.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman - Condor 6
Door Gunner on 774 the only "D"model we had. The Condor net can't agree on his name. Maybe he'll discover our net someday and straighten us out. Hot refueling at Phu Bai.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman - Condor 6
L Company's Acid Pad in 1970 with a team on board. Probably a HHT 2/17 Cavalry ship
Image courtesy of Tom Delaney via Randy White
Condor Scout Aircraft at Phu Bai - Inside the AH 6A -Not much to look at here. I flew with CPT. Dick Brown Scout Plat. Cmdr. the first two weeks I commanded C Troop and this, tree limbs, red smoke, tracers and dinks is all I had to look at. The bubble was in the middle as it passed through ONLY.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman - Condor 6
Fred Behrens with a minigun equipped OH-6. Maybe Camp Evans. Note smoke grenades strung on wire in nose bubble.
Image courtesy of Fred Behrens Via Randy White
The 2-17 Cav has a program where they induct members or x members into the Cav as a Distinguished Member. I was the 5th inducted in June 2000 at Campbell and this is a copy of the certificate
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Distinguished Member Award presented By LTC James C. McConville, 2-17 Cavalry Sqdn Cmdr. June 2000 in Cav Country at Ft Campbell, KY.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
L to R. Mac Jones, Jim Newman, Chuck Vehlow at the 2nd Squadron 17th Cavalry Hq. Ft. Campbell, Ky. in June 2000, where Jim Newman was named Distinguished Member of the 2nd Squadron 17th Cavalry Regiment and placed on the rolls of the "Forward" Regiment.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
L to R, Mac Jones former C Troop Opns Officer, LTC James McConville, Sqdn Cmdr And Jim Newman former C Troop Cmdr stand At Ease after Distinguished Member Induction.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
A snake in it's nest, ready to strike. Phu Bai
Image courtesy of Fred Behrens Via Randy White
Map of Phu Bai and the active strip. That's highway 1 running at a 45 through the area.
Image courtesy of Randy White
C Troop bird
Image courtesy of Fred Behrens via Randy White
This is a 1968 photo of LZ Sally from about 10,000 feet up in the air. The top of the picture is pretty much oriented to north. The A Shau Valley is to the west and the South China Sea to the right of the picture. The runway does not have a control tower yet built. The C Troop, 2/17 Cav flight line and area is in the lower right corner of the picture and isn't even entirely set-up yet. Look at the horseshoe rice paddy. There is a dirt road below it. The C Troop, 2/17 Cav area was below that dirt road and to the right of the picture. Where that road ends to the left, was an area where mortar emplacements were located. Up on the the top left of the LZ, artillery emplacements were located there. The LZ was very small. This is where C Troop, 2/17 Cavalry set up there operation after mobilizing from Fort Hood. They literally built their own bunkers and many of their facilities. In the late February early March time frame in 1970, we relocated to Phu Bai. The day after we did that, the LZ was over-run by a ground attack. The road at the top right of the picture was QL1, if I am recalling correctly, and it went up to Camp Evans to the North. "I did not get there until spring of '71 so I was never at Sally. When I got there, we were in some quonset huts that had been built by the Marines. We had nice bunks up off the ground, hot running water, a swell mess hall and it was almost like Boy Scouts out on bivouwac somewhere. Even had handball courts the Marines had built. My mother was blown away when I wrote home and requested that she send my handball gloves and stuff!" - Rick Schwab
Image courtesy of Emil J. Hirsch
Capt Rick Daly taking a break on his ammo bay door
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
Lt. Mary Pumphrey & Lt. Rick Schwab - just engaged in Hong Kong
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
Forewarned is forearmed
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
W.O. John Oldham & Lt, Rick Schwab
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
Party Time at the Cav Club
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
Captain Bob Newman, Scout Pilot Extrordinaire
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
Lunch Break on a fire base out in the A.O. (area of operations).
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
Condors partying at the 85th Evacuation Hospital Officer's club
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
Captain Stoltz explaining how "short" he was (very little time left in-country)!
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
Care Packages from 'The World' often contained good 'Eats'. In this case - Tex-Mex
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
Rotor head maintenance. Notice guidon marking on ship
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
L to R - Lt. Pete Forame (K.I.A.), Lt. Rick Schwab and W.O. Royce Grubbs
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
OH-6 Cockpit detail. C troop, 2/17 Cav. 'Condors'
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
Battle damaged 'Loach' (OH-6) C 2/17 'Condors'
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
Some Cav troopers ensuring that we would have hot water for at least one more day!
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
Camp Eagle, immediately following the Bob Hope 1971 Christmas Show
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47
Lt. Rick Schwab's girlfriend lost a part of her bikini strap!
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, C 2/17, Condor 47
Lt. Joe Nading and Barry Dragon (slick pilot) chewing the fat and a Stogie
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, C 2/17, Condor 47
W.O. Byron 'Crash' Grubbs" in nicely personalized "Stetson" and MA-1 aviator's flying jacket adorned with C troop, 'Condors' 2/17 Cav patches
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, C 2/17, Condor 47
Headquarters, C troop, 2/17 Ca. - Phu Bai, summer, 1971
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, C 2/17, Condor 47
A C Troop 2/17 Huey over Acid Pad at L Company Ranger. Early 1970, note blue stripe on tail boom.
Image courtesy of Tom Delaney photo via Randy White
Though hard to see, those are C Troop Cobras in their reventments at Phu Bai
Image courtesy of Fred Beherns via Randy White
Team loading onto a C Troop ship at Acid Pad, 1970.
Image courtesy of Tom Delaney via Randy White
Rick Schwab's helmet bag featuring fatigue shirt name tag and very well worn C troop, 2/17 Cav "Condor" patch.
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab
G.I. issue "Boonie" hat in ERDL (Experimental research and development labatory) pattern Camouflage. The hat has been heavily modified by cutting the brim down and fraying the loop band around the crown. It has also been embroidered with rank, wings, Cavalry device & callsign - "Condor 47" for Rick Schwab while flying in the lift platoon for C troop, 2/17 Cavalry - 101st Airborne Division
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab
Veteran Cav troopers with their transition paperwork, as C Troop and the 101st Airborne stand down and prepare for return to stateside. L to R, Eddie Bond, 'Fish' Fite, Pete Forame, and Rick Schwab
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab
C troop is what the cover article is about and the right seat of the AH6 on the cover is Cpt. Dick Brown my scout platoon Cmdr. The inside of the article has "Just Say It Was the Comancheros" which was a 101 assault helicopter company supporting the RVN Invasion into Laos and when the author of the article ask who it was the CO, Bob Clewell, said Just Say ---------. He apologized for saying that after the article was published and at the time did not know it was for an article. The body on the stretcher, page1, is 1Lt Butch Simpson, one of my scout pilots.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
"The Legacy" Click here to read the story behind the photo
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
Aerial view of "C" Troop Operations at Khe Sahn in the connex containers. Mac Jones and I used one each to sleep in.
Image courtesy of Jim Newman
First Aviation Brigade sleeve patch as worn by personnel attached to C troop. The design symbolized the striking power of the army's aviation branch and employed the blue and gold branch colors of old. However, It's appearance led to nicknames such as "Chicken on a Stick" and a host of others even less flattering!
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47, C/2/17 Cav.
"101st Airborne Division sleeve patch sewn to sleeve of Rick Schwab's L-2B flying jacket. Note the Aviator wing and "U.S. Army" have been direct embroidered into the jacket".
Image courtesy of Rick Schwab, Condor 47, C/2/17 Cav.
Curt & Old 795 on the LZ Sally VIP Pad mid 1968. Aviation Section, 2nd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division
Image courtesy of Curt Knapp