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Last updated on 4/7/24

Site established on 3/22/01

377th Aerial Rocket Artillery Unit

Hello, my name is Erik Hanson and my dad was Cpt.John M. Hanson. He was with the 101st airborne a/377 arty out of Camp Eagle from January 1969 through December 1969. Dad passed away on 9-21-2005 from cancer associated to Agent Orange. I have been looking for all the info I can on the a/377 but there is not much out there. I have kept in contact with only one person that was there when he was and that is Larry Wolf. Other than that I have had a hard time locating any information. Looking through the VHPA web site only a few names are listed in the kia or the died after tour list from the a/377 arty. I know there has to be others looking for something from this unit.

Anyway Dads’ tour started off a little on the creepy side. In flight school his best friend was Kenneth Fountain, Kenny was a couple of classes ahead. When Kenny finished his school and left for Vietnam his boots had not been refitted with the zipper sides and dad already had his done. Since they wore the same size and Kenny could not wait dad let him take his and he got Kenney’s when they were done. Kenny started his tour on 12-4-1968 and crashed and was killed on 1-4-1969. Dad had completed his flight school and was ready to leave for Vietnam when they found out Kenny had been killed. When he arrived in country he found out he was replacing Kenny in the a/377arty. Dad got to come home early due to his brother finishing his training and since he was not married he volunteered to go so dad could come home 3 weeks early. Hard to think about what if he did not get to come home when he did.

I have attached a few pictures that I have had transferred from 35mm slides. I don’t know how many pictures he took but I will send some more as I get them done. I hope you be able to use them and create a unit page within your site. I know someone else would like to know they were not alone in the unit.

Erik Hanson
Son of Captain John M. Hanson (Gunner 78)
July-16-1946 / September-21-2005

Click here to visit the 1st Battalion (Air Assault) 377th Field Artillery Regiment

What can happen when a tail rotor gearbox locks up. Larry Wolf was flying when this happened.
Image courtesy of Erik Hanson Son of Captain John M. Hanson (Gunner 78)

Before the gearbox locked up.
Image courtesy of Erik Hanson Son of Captain John M. Hanson (Gunner 78)

Taken on Hamburger Hill not long after it was taken.
Image courtesy of Erik Hanson Son of Captain John M. Hanson (Gunner 78)

You ate when and where you had time.
Image courtesy of Erik Hanson Son of Captain John M. Hanson (Gunner 78)

All dad would ever say was looking BAD!
Image courtesy of Erik Hanson Son of Captain John M. Hanson (Gunner 78)

The only OH-6 in the unit that had a mini gun. Dad said he only got to fly it a couple of times.
Image courtesy of Erik Hanson Son of Captain John M. Hanson (Gunner 78)

was his flight helmet; he was a big OU fan till the end. I have the helmet displayed with some of his other things.
Image courtesy of Erik Hanson Son of Captain John M. Hanson (Gunner 78)

When Dad first got in country and was transitioning to turbines from TH-55s to OH-6s.
Image courtesy of Erik Hanson Son of Captain John M. Hanson (Gunner 78)

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