Click here to read the lyrics to BALLAD OF THE GREEN FLIGHT PAY
1968 Christmas card with personal letter to G.I.s from Commanding General Creighton Abrams
Image courtesy of Pat La Roue
Image courtesy of Pat La Roue
Image courtesy of Pat La Roue
Vietnamese Money
Image courtesy of Bill Hughes via Egor 57th Med. det.
Instructional Pamphlet produced at Division level by the 1st Cavalry in 1967. 102 pages long, it covers the divisions Air Assault procedures.
G.I. "C-Rats" Cookbook featuring such tempting dishes as "Fox Hole Dinner for Two", "Battlefield FuFu" & "Battlefield Birtday Cake" was produced in 1966 for "G.I.s in Vietnam asking for Tasty recipe Ideas" says the text!
A "VC mines & booby traps" instructional card
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey
Vietnam guide
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey
A large image of the front/back joined page of a famous (infamous?) copy of "Rendezvouz With Destiny", the periodical of the 101st Airborne Division...this one the Winter/Spring 1971 edition. Notable for it's creative cover art that cleverly hid the letters "FTA" in the tree line just below the word "Destiny" and the "Peace Symbols" concealed in the base of the artillery shells still wrapped in their rigging...all this managed to get past the editors in time for publication, but probably didn't do much for the illustrator's military career when it was finally noticed by Command! This cover is credited to SGT John V. Power, who had a pair of BIG ones to do this! Should be appreciated by all who remember it.
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey
NOTE: This is an extremely large image and will take a long time to load over a modem |
Military script
A mixture of paper items to include 2 Death cards, propaganda leaflet and paper money
Taken from 1970 Spring issue of the 1st Cavalry Division magazine, "The First Team"
Image courtesy of Mike O'Neil

The Birth of the Air Cavalry" - Official Program issued for Unit Day, 1964 of the newly formed 11th "Air Assault" division. The founding element for the First Cavalry Division, Airmobile. The publication is filled with photos of unit officer's and staff, activities and explanation of the Air Assault concept.

Vol.1, No.2 issue of "Hawk", October, 1967 - The official publication of the Army 1st Aviation Brigade in Vietnam. Only the 2nd issue, it was 16 pages and featured a delectable pin-up girl ("Hawk Honey"), a word from the chaplain and stories on the most decorated Warrant officer, the 17th Combat aviation group, the Brigade's guidon and a perspective on 2nd tour veteran's experiences.
Image courtesy of George McClintock - Public Information officer, 1st Avn. Bde. |

Pin up girl, The "Hawk Honey" from 1st Aviation Brigade magazine the "Hawk" - vol.1, number 1 - September 1967.
Image courtesy of George McClintock - Public Information officer, 1st Avn. Bde. |

Article explaining the Flag and coat of arms of Vietnam from the first issue of "Hawk" magazine.
Image courtesy of George McClintock - Public Information officer, 1st Avn. Bde.

Vol.1, number 1 Premiere issue of the First aviation Brigade's official publication in Vietnam "Hawk". This issue Features articles on the Brigade perspective (introduces the Commanding general, George Seneff), Combat Assault, Flag & Coat of arms of Vietnam, the role of the Crewchief and more.
Image courtesy of George McClintock - Public Information officer, 1st Avn. Bde.

Mail order PX catalog, 1973 edition used by Steve Shepard while in long term re-hab after wounded in both feet by .51 cal. projectile. Steve cherished the catalog for years after as it helped pass many hours in the boring confines of the hospital room. See H-10 Cavalry page for story
Image courtesy of Steve Shepard

1969 edition covering tactical facets of Air Cavalry operations. Issued to Steve Shepard in flight training
Image courtesy of Steve Shepard
Calling card for Gun Pilot
Image courtesy of Liz Wallace
101st Airborne "Kingsmen" calling card. Often used as a reminder for Charlie after an engagement
Cover from a '71 edition of the 101st Abn. periodical, featuring a G.I. in heavy bush
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey
USARV instructional card for handling of prisoners, GTA 21-1 Sept.'67, cover pages
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey
Vietnamese period currency in 500,100, 50 & 20 'Dong' denominations
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey
31 year old classic black light poster, a favorite of mine since I'm Sheridan trained & served in 11th ACR (this was obviously based on a photograph & an "E" troop vehicle at that...if you were on E-33, you're famous!). Accurate right down to the 'Mermite' can, C-rats, & 'mine plate' applique armor. Precient and currently topical now as it was then...Afghanistan & Panama are among the countries listed. Hangs in my home office today.
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey, Cmdr.G-71 ACAV, 'G'Trp, 2/11th ACR
Military Payment Certificate (aka: 'Monopoly Money')
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey, Cmdr.G-71 ACAV, 'G'Trp, 2/11th ACR
M18/M18A1 (Claymore) mine installation, from pages 4&5 of GTA 5-10-10 Mine Card-June, 1970
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey
Hand out for the USO club in Saigon. The pamphlet folds out into a 18x20" map of the city
Image courtesy of C.L. High
A personalized calling card
This cover sheet is un-classified when separated from classified documents...great intro for a little light reading
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey
Cav recruiting poster
MPC "funny money"
Image courtesy of Gary Cody via Tillman Jeffrey
The "9 Rules" card. These were NOT observed by the VC and NVA.
Image courtesy of Gary Cody via Tillman Jeffrey
Code of Conduct card
Image courtesy of Gary Cody via Tillman Jeffrey
Original "Chieu Hoi" surrender leaflet.
Image courtesy of Gary Cody via Tillman Jeffrey
Geneva Convention card
Image courtesy of Gary Cody via Tillman Jeffrey
Business card for enterprising individual soliciting GI's on R&R. Strains to ape some popular phrases of the time, though you can't complain about the prices. Never got an R&R myself.
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey
Dept.of the Army TM 55-375. When the opportunity for this training was offered, I couldn't pass it up. Who knew the Army had so much background in Underwater Ops? Then I opened my TM, all 686 pages of it, which turned out to be the Navy Diving Manual with a DA cover on it. Why re-invent the wheel....? Note 'Westy' was now DA Chief, having been 'kicked upstairs' & replaced in Vietnam by Gen. Abrams
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey
Needed a new one of these after DEROS to operate at the Armor Board, Ft. Knox. Talk about 'redundant systems'...only the gov't would feel the need to make a notation 'HEAVY' on a license that included a 52 ton vehicle (though in RVN, I commanded an M113 ACAV without ever having had a driver's license for one of those). Our Armor Board Ambulance fleet included both a 'five-quarter' and, believe it or not, an Army issue OD Pontiac Bonneville Ambulance conversion with a 389 & Tri-Power induction...which didn't realize it's full potential running on MOGAS!
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey
Patriotic bumper sticker produced by the "Christian Crusade" early in the war.
The career that never was. EM were not usually permitted possession of their '201' (personnel) files (to prevent tampering...for good reason!), but the circumstances of a combat zone forced exceptions. Going from 101st Abn. in "I" Corps to 11th ACR in III Corps I hand-carried mine to present to my CO upon reporting. This gave me the opportunity to 'remove' anything I thought might complicate the remainder of my 3 year enlistment ( I ended up serving as an 11D and 11E, so I wasn't denied a combat MOS). Previous CO's had acted on this Procurement Officer's recommendations and I wanted none of it...something to do with ROTC training and my exams at enlistment & during BCT. 'Procurement' has a special meaning in criminal law, but let's not go there....!
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey

The note is a 1 Piastre note made in 1949. The white spot is the watermark. When you hold it up to the light, it looks like a man's head with wings coming off his forehead.
US Army recruiting leaflet, 1969
Image courtesy of Joseph Grassela and son
114th A.H.C. "Honorary Member" card given to troops and VIPs flown in or out by the 114th.
Image courtesy of C.W. Blount
Unit Calling cards were popular in many units as witnessed by these examples from the same officer in 2 different units
Image courtesy of Bob Todd
D 1/9 Stationary, Letterhead, One of the envelopes that I received from Mike Parkhill (D 1/9) while we were both "in-country"
Image courtesy of Andy Anderson & Mike Parkhill
The most important boarding pass you will ever be issued, 'Freedom Bird' pass from MAC with airline codes superimposed from back side. Note how many of these no longer exist. In this example, it was Flying Tiger Airline connecting to Braniff (Bien Hoa to Travis AFB via Alaska).
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey
11th ACR stationary with that customary FREE postage mark to back home. The folks numbered them in the order they were received.
Image courtesy of Doug Kibbey

Short Timer's Calender
I was so short....I could play handball off the curb!
I was so short....I could drive a piss ant's motorcycle!
Courtesy of Dale Baker
Vietnamese comic book. Story line resembles a Romeo and Juliet love story. Note that other Comic books featured on the back cover include well known American TV shows of the time (Bonanza & Daniel Boone).
Courtesy Dale Baker, F/8 "Blue Ghosts"
Classic recruiting poster by Flagg celebrated it's 50th Anniversary during the Vietnam war
Military Payment Currency for 1967-1968
Image courtesy of Dave Green, 68th AHC
South Vietameese money during the same period
Image courtesy of Dave Green, 68th AHC
This is a photo of my collage of Vietnam items, my Geneva Convention Card, Copy of my Short timers Calendar. Some of my original items given to me the 1st day I entered the country a MACV Phrase Book, Handbook for US Forces in Vietnam, and a Pocket Guide to Vietnam. I am sure every solider got these items, but most probably did not keep them.
Image courtesy of Dave Green, 68th AHC
"Ngyuen thi chi, she was I believe 17 years old and worked as a bar girl in Vinh Long".
Image courtesy of Ron Woodgeard, A troop 7/1 Scout CE observer
South Vietnamese Dong notes and 100 dong coin
The Cav Spirit reflected in a calling card. The flip side has an interesting definition of the quintessential Cav Pilot as seen by those around him. The black hat, large watch and sapphire ring are all mentioned in the synopsis!
Image courtesy of John W. Cook USAF retired
This is the cover of the EM/NCO club chit book.
Image courtesy of Victor Montano
"Safe Conduct Pass" for Chieu Hoi NVA to pass through lines on authority of then-President Nguyen Van Thieu...being "warmly received".
Image courtesy of Roger Justison via Doug Kibbey
Informational pamphlet issued by USARV (U.S. Army Republic of Vietnam) with tips on soldierly conduct while in Vienam.
Boot camp & Advanced Training class books as issued upon graduated at Fort Gordon & Fort Benning.
Image courtesy of P.J. Jessell
Image courtesy of Bradford J. Roberts
A one-way flight ticket to RVN from McChord Air Force Base, 1970.
Image courtesy of Tom Kehoe
Typical 162nd AHC pilots RVN Flight Records circa 1970
Click here to see the full record
Image courtesy of Eric Bray
Remember the MAC Flight tags we had to stick on our luggage? I don't either, but I found this one on one of my duffel bags.
Image courtesy of Pete Rzeminski, CW2 (8/68 - 12/69), HHC (Avn Det), 1st Brigade, 101st Abn Div.
In accordance with the Vietnam Peace Agreement, the last U.S. combat personnel left Vietnam on or before March 29, 1973. Here is my luggage tag dated March 29.
Image courtesy of Wayne Moose
Operation Bootstrap
Image courtesy of Eric Bray
Early Release
Image courtesy of Eric Bray
Geneva Convention I.D. Card
Image courtesy of Eric Bray
As I recall this Thanksgiving brochure was distributed to all units in 1965 to accompany the meal. I do recall the Thanksgiving dinner being special.
A side note: when the 155th AHC was in garrison we usually had one class A meal and two class B meals each day. Class B meals came out of gallon tin cans. The food wasn't appealing visually but it beat C-rations.
Image courtesy of David Grieshop