I.D. badge worn by members of Bob Hope's 1967 Christmas USO tour
Classic Phrase expressed on small "Beercan" tin badge
Image courtesy of Steve Shepard
2 Different Cobra inspired "Beercan" badges for unofficial use on hats. Although frowned upon by many, these small, hand painted tin badges flourished in Vietnam and were made for almost every imaginable unit
Image courtesy of Steve Shepard
Metalic version of the 7th Squadon insignia
Image courtesy of Steve Shepard
This was the "Blood flag" that I carried with me while in the 118th in event of capture or coming under control of non-english speaking people.
Image courtesy of Frank Zipperer

This is a decal of the Queen's Cobra Regiment from Thailand. We often provided a C&C ship for the commander.
Image courtesy of Frank Zipperer
This is a buckle given to me by one of the Thai officers in the Queen's Cobra Regiment
Image courtesy of Frank Zipperer
Image courtesy of Judd Clemens
Cap badge worn by Civilian contract flight instructors.
Image courtesy of George Reese