Last updated on 4/7/24
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Last updated on 4/7/24

Site established on 3/22/01

20th Special Operations Squadron

Jacket patch for the "Pony Expres" USAF 20th Special operations squadron.

20th SOS patch with "Mascot" and abreviation "TPRS" (This Place Really Sucks).

20th patch used at the time. None of us wore patches or other insignia due to the nature of our missions. Sanitized uniforms gave the plausible deniability required.
Image courtesy of Jim Green

"P" model Gun bird taxiing the ramp at Ban Me Thout East.
Image courtesy of Jim Green

The high flying Huey is a "P" model Slick. It was taken in 70 somewhere west of Ban Me Thout.
Image courtesy of Jim Green

Taken from a Slick in a hole during a training mission out of Cam Rahn Bay. It was taken in 71 and is a "N" model gun bird on a firing pass. Jim Green. I was a was gunner with the 20th. 44th/13th TFS, 65-66, Korat, Load Team Chief F-105, 435th TFS, 67-68, Ubon, Lead Load Team Chief F-4, 17th/20th SOS, 70-71, Phan Rang/Tuy Hoa/Cam Ranh Bay, Gunner AC-119/UH-1P/N, 16th SOS, 74-75, Korat, Gunner AC-130 VHCMA member #1431.
Image courtesy of Jim Green

P Model gunship and one of the O-2 FAC birds. They guided us into the teams so that pickups could be made.
Image courtesy of Jim Green

Taken on the ramp at Tuy Hoa before we moved down to Cam Rahn Bay. The barrels of a stowed minigun are in the foreground.
Image courtesy of Jim Green

A couple gunners reloading the ammo cans on a P model after expending while pulling a team.
Image courtesy of Jim Green

A couple P models departing for an FOL. This was taken at Ban Me Thout.
Image courtesy of Jim Green

Birds sitting alert. We had teams in place and were standing by for when they needed extracted.
Image courtesy of Jim Green

Duc Lap. Passing time waiting for the launch signal. Some KingBee crew members and members of the 20th.
Image courtesy of Jim Green

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