Last updated on 4/7/24
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Last updated on 4/7/24
Site established on 3/22/01
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We need information and insignia from the USMC Helicopter units. If you have any information or images you'd like to share, please contact me at
This is CWO Thomas, a USMC pilot shot down and captured by the NVA. He was released in 1973 and posed for this picture in his pajamas and with his bowl. I set up the shot in the lab in Kaneohe Hawaii . I call it "The few the Proud the POW"
Image courtesy of Donnie Shearer, USMC Ret.

Humorous cartoon patch, obviously alluding to an exciting troop extraction.
Image courtesy of JW Cook, USAF, Retired
A med evac off the mountain called Mutters Ridge which was 2nd. Bn 3rd. Marines in 1968. This was the finale of a horrible battle up the mountain.
Image courtesy of SSgt. Donnie Shearer, USMC Combat Photographer, 3rd. Mar Div. I was a Combat Photographer with the 3rd. Mar. Div. 1968-69 and 1975 for the evacuation of Saigon and Phnom Penh.
B co. 1st Bn. 3rd. Marines at the battle with the NVA ranger unit in Operation Thor.
Image courtesy of SSgt. Donnie Shearer, USMC Combat Photographer, 3rd. Mar Div.
Marine F-4 drops Napalm on the enemy during a lunch break for the Marines of B Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd. Marines during operation Thor.
Image courtesy of SSgt. Donnie Shearer, USMC Combat Photographer, 3rd. Mar Div.
IB Co. 1st Bn. 3rd. Marines in a battle with an NVA Ranger unit in the sand dunes in Northern I corps area north of Quang Tri. Rufus Patterson is throwing a grenade at the NVA, the guy sitting is Sgt. (Jake knows his name) and the guy in the background is Anthony Carter, who was killed about 20 min after this picture was taken.
Image courtesy of SSgt. Donnie Shearer, USMC Combat Photographer, 3rd. Mar Div.
A sniper exiting a bunker which was about 5 feet right in front of our lines that the Marines of B. Company 1st. Bn., 3rd. Marines 3rd. Mar Div. didn't know about. When the shooting stopped an NVA came out and stood thee staring at all the Marines and the Marines staring back and nothing happening, it took a long time before someone acted and shot the NVA. Then this Marine threw a grenade in the bunker and jumped in and was retrieving the machine gun when he saw one look at him so he jumps out ( as he is doing here) with the MG and throws another grenade in killing the NVA. We were there about a half hour before this happened, could have been nasty if the wanted to start lobbing grenades out at us. Jake might know the name of this man, if so I would like to get it. The band-aid is on his nose because he was almost shot by an NVA sniper. The bullet just creased his nose, and all he said about it was " The fucker jerked". Weird war.
Image courtesy of SSgt. Donnie Shearer, USMC Combat Photographer, 3rd. Mar Div.
Can't let this one go by. This is of me (Donnie Shearer) during the battle with B 1-3, in Operation Thor. Operation Thor was at Long Din up by the DMZ.
Image courtesy of SSgt. Donnie Shearer, USMC Combat Photographer, 3rd. Mar Div. - Photo by Sgt. McCullough USMC
CI was out with B Co. 1st. Bn 4th. Marines, 3rd. Mar Div on hill 640 South of Khe San when we were over-run by NVA at 1230 in the AM I was with a platoon and sniper team on a hill about a click form the rest of the company when they hit us. It was a hell of a fight with hand to hand fighting and all. A "Puff" Gun Ship finally came in and saved our butts. The next morning there were 7 of us left who not killed or wounded. When I removed my flack jacket on the truck I noticed this bullet hole in my shirt. "Close but no cupie doll". I still have the shirt. The other picture is of me sitting on Hill 640 with one of the snipers,(a rare picture) the day before the battle. no hole in the shirt. We did get close to the fighting (as combat photographers) and this was too close. When the sun came up the next day, it was like getting re-born, I never thought I would see another sunrise that night. Thanks "Puff" gunship drivers!!! I owe you a BIG one.
Image courtesy of SSgt. Donnie Shearer, USMC Combat Photographer, 3rd. Mar Div.
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